Experiencing God
I went to the mountains today looking for a secluded spot of natural beauty and tranquility to pray and spend time with God. I found the perfect place and sat down on a flat rock beside a swift flowing stream under the shade of many trees. I feel most at peace when I am surrounded by nature. I hear God’s voice in the roaring of the water and feel His warmth in the sun. I smell His scent in the air and feel His breath on my face in the wind. I thought of the many descriptions of God. He is the Creator of heaven and earth (Gen 14:19); the architect and builder (Heb 11:10); a shade from the heat (Isa 25:4); the consuming fire (Isa 33:14); the spring of living water (Jer 2:13); and Jesus is the rising of the sun (Isa 59:19); Rock eternal (Isa 26:4); the bright Morning Star (Rev 22:16).
The longing to be with God was so great today that when I tried to find the words to express my desire for His presence, I became overwhelmed and the words caught in my throat. There are just no words for me in moments like these. There are only feelings. Words could not have done justice right then anyway so, I just lifted my feelings up to God in a prayer and called out His many names. Great and awesome God Deut 7:21); Holy Father (John 17:11); King of heaven (Dan 4:37); El Shaddai (Gen 17:1) and He who raised Christ from the dead ( Rom 8:11) were just a few of these names.
I believe that God heard me and answered and was with me where I sat. He is the God who sees me (Gen 16:13); He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world (John 6:33). I thanked Him for the beautiful autumn day with an appreciative gaze that could not help but follow the outline of the mountains on the horizon. I praised Him for His infinite wisdom in creating this world as I noticed the autumn leaves turning fall shades of orange and falling to their winter bed. His great plan and His great design for all He has created just intensified the awe I felt for Him. I believe that God heard my praise clearly even in my silence. He is truly one who searches hearts and minds (Rev 2:23); the living Stone (1 Peter 2:4).
Earlier, I had finished the lesson in “Experiencing God” that talked about how we come to know God as we experience Him. Well, I believe I learned something about God today. I learned for the first time that a prayer to Him does not always have to be in words. I believe that He hears and responds to our spirits too and not just our words. I see now how it is possible to pray without ceasing. Through this experience today, I learned that sometimes expressing feelings with words can be limiting just like what I can see with my eyes or hear with my ears. But, this is not so with my spirit. My spirit is infinite and reaches to heaven. He is the Shepherd and Overseer of my soul (1 Peter 2:25); our dwelling place (Ps 90:1).
Also, in one moment, I acknowledged how God has been working in my life and changing me for His purposes. I felt a peace about who I have become and who I am still becoming in Christ despite my tribulations. In that moment, I believed that God is still in control of my life and that even though things don’t look familiar or rosy all the time, I can still trust Him to guide my life. He is my helper (Heb 13:6); my strong deliverer (Ps 140:7); my hope (Ps 25:5); an ever present help in trouble (Ps 46:1); a stronghold in times of trouble (Ps 9:9). It amazed me today to see that a short time in prayer can somehow contain a lifetime of praise, thanksgiving and petitions. It was as if time slowed down and a minute could span a lifetime. This reminded me of the few loaves and fishes that God blessed and fed so many.
As I was praying, I also felt a need in me to take some time to just thank
God out loud for His awesome goodness, amazing grace and many undeserved blessings.
I discovered that there is also incredible power in spoken words. They take on a life all their own. Tears came to my eyes as I voiced my thanks to God. Right then, I felt an intense desire for everyone everywhere to know Christ as their savior. I wanted others to know the horn of salvation (Luke 1:69); the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6); the gate (John 10:7,9); the last Adam (1 Cor 15:45) the Son of the Most High God (Luke 8:28); the resurrection (John 11:25). I wanted others to see for themselves the unseen and hear the unheard that goes on around us as we live out our daily lives. I prayed that everyone would know what an awesome, mighty and living God we serve! I was immediately comforted when Philippians 2: 10-11 came to my mind. “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth: and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (KJV) I knew then that one day everyone would know how awesome is our God. I just prayed for souls sake that they would know it on this side of eternity.
As I stood up to leave, I did not feel my prayer end. It will never end. I will carry with me all the time...a constant, mindful spirit of prayer. My life is, and I believe always will be, a never-ending prayer. Jesus is the Amen (2 Cor 1:20).
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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